SIGVIEW Version History – Explore Updates & Improvements Over Time - SIGVIEW Signal & Spectrum Analyzer

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Version history

New in v7.0.1

  • Fixed problem with crashes in STANDARD version after closing DAQ dialog in some configurations
  • Fixed problem with Persistence display options being disabled in the main menu

New in v7.0

  • New option for Data Acquisition to allow continuous acquisition while keeping only the last N seconds of the recording (ring-buffer) [...]
  • New option for "Log signal to file..." function to allow keeping only last N recorded files (file-based ring-buffer) [...]
  • NiDAQ data acquisition now allows defining separate settings (range, type,...) for each channel (PRO) [...]
  • "Persistence" signal display for all analysis windows, providing the display of past traces as overlay [...]
  • Saving window images for signal/3D windows in EMF-file (vector image format) is now supported [...]
  • "Log signal to file..." function now splits files if the source data acquisition is stopped
  • Files recorded by using "Log signal to file..." function now include wall time (recording time)
  • Calibration now includes extended settings of input and/or resulting signal level type (dB/Linear, RMS/Peak) [...]
  • Properties of a Scale/Normalize window can now be edited after it was created [...]
  • Scale/Normalize function can now load scaling values from an existing DAQ calibration file [...]
  • IIR Filter now includes an option to prevent resetting filter after each processed block, to enable better stream processing [...]
  • Improved marker/annotation display on window edge
  • New option in 3D-graphics axes settings dialog to turn of instant redraw on Z-axis range change [...]
  • New Julia-based custom tool for Continuous Wavelet Transformations (CWT) (PRO) [...]
  • New command-line function to save 3D window or spectrogram values into file [...]
  • New command-line function to save multiple signal windows into one multichannel file [...]
  • Averager window now resets automatically if the input signal length changes
  • Editing Averager window properties is now possible [...]
  • Automatic audio volume scaling can now be turned on or off per window instead of global setting [...]
  • Audio playback in loop can now be turned on or off per window instead of global setting [...]
  • "Faster than realtime" playback can now be turned on or off per window instead of global setting [...]
  • "Play automatically if signal changes" improved and added to the toolbar [...]
  • Optimized Control Window graphical updates to avoid flickering
  • Improved signal display with histogram style and added missing toolbar button for "Histogram (from bottom)" type [...]
  • Moving analysis parts in Control Window by using Ctrl+Drag'n Drop does not change window positions anymore
  • Upgraded Julia language and libraries from v1.6 to to v1.10 (PRO)
  • Simplified, one-click installation of needed Julia packages (PRO)
  • Improved error messages if NiDAQ devices are used  (PRO)
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed automatic correction of the sampling rate to the actually supported value for NiDAQ devices
    • Fixed crash on reset data acquisition if some channels were deleted manually
    • Extracting part of signal from mouse selection, X-axis error corrected
    • Fixed crashes if corrupted Workspace files were loaded
    • Fixed problem with Registration Dialog sometimes blocking the Clipboard


New in v6.2.3 [download v6.2.3]

  • Fixed problems with loading/saving Measurement Computing DAQ custom settings
  • Added preliminary support for 18-bit Measurement Computing DAQ

New in v6.2.2

  • Fixed crash with loading tools/workspaces containing signal calculator windows
  • Fixed problem with pink noise generator quality

New in v6.2.1

  • Added preliminary support for LabJack T8 DAQ
  • Fixed problem with wrong audio playback speed on some systems
  • Fixed problem with wrong/squared values in octave plots if linear scale was used
  • Fixed problem with obsolete error message during discovery of LabJack devices

New in v6.2

  • Added context sensitive help (Press F1 for context help in any dialog or processing window)
  • Display current audio-playback position cursor in all synced or related windows (like spectrograms etc.)
  • New audio playback function "play/restart audio from cursor position" (F6 shortcut)
  • New audio playback function to "(re)play signal selection only" (F6 shortcut)
  • Entering constant values directly in the Signal Calculator is now possible
  • Added function in Signal calculator to delete the last expression part instead of clearing the whole expression
  • Improved Signal Calculator expression display and usability
  • Z-Order of windows (window overlapping) is now saved in a Workspace file as well
  • "Set marker here..." option added in signal window context-menu
  • Registration dialog can now retrieve data directly from the email text from clipboard
  • Fixed problems with Order-Analysis functions if RPM signal contained zeros
  • Fixed problem with opening ASCII/CSV files if numbers contain leading '+' chars
  • Fixed problem with opening Custom tools from file from Control Window context menu
  • Fixed problems with playing audio in loop if a short signal segment was zoomed-in
  • Fixed problems with harmonic marker instrument display
  • Fixed problems with applying custom tools with multiple parents (Averager, Overlay)

New in v6.1

  • New spectrum type to automatically split input signal in segments and average their spectra (Welch's method)
  • New Auto-Range option for instrument windows
  • All instrument windows now include a graphical display for the history of last N values
  • Fast statistics report is available in all signal windows if SPACE key is pressed
  • New instrument "Average Peak distance"
  • Added "1/x" function in Signal Calculator
  • Main Window position is now saved and restored after the next start
  • Fixed problem with saving signals in 32-bit float binary format
  • Fixed problem with reversed value order if "Copy marker values to clipboard" function was used
  • Fixed problem with not being able to play some Signal Calculator results
  • Fixed problem with obsolete error message when loading workspaces with overlay windows
  • Fixed problem with obsolete error message when loading workspaces with signals created from clipboard data
  • Fixed problem with crashes after closing active data acquisition windows
  • Fixed problems with Control Window mouse selection if the content is being updated
  • Fixed problems with updating Custom Tools menu after saving a new tool

New in v6.0

  • ASCII/CSV Import completely redesigned, including Preview/Settings dialog
  • Sideband cursor function added
  • Added value-display tooltips for harmonic/sideband cursors
  • New functions for triggered saving or logging of signals or analysis results based on instrument values
  • New option for saving Workspace before closing SIGVIEW and reloading it after the next start
  • New instrument: Fractal dimension
  • Max recording duration added for "Log signal to file..." windows
  • New command-line parameters for resetting windows and starting/stopping file logging
  • Optimized graphical updates if many complex 3D plots are used
  • Various improvements in Julia scripting interface, enabling tighter integration of Julia-based tools in SIGVIEW
  • Embedding Julia plots in SIGVIEW windows
  • Added many new Custom tools based on Julia Scripting:
    • Polar plot
    • Scatter plot (2D/3D)
    • Box/Violin Plot
    • Envelope
    • Tacho-to-RPM signal conversion
    • Damping coefficient calculation
    • Signal alignment
    • ...
  • Julia Scripting updated to Julia v1.6
  • Added batch installation of needed Julia libraries
  • Bugfixes:
    • Y-Axis dialog did not update anything after pressing OK if "Instant preview" checkbox was turned off
    • Displaying more than 5-10 million values on Log X-axis did not work
    • Wrong Icon/Tooltip on MIN button in toolbar was shown
    • X/Y log-axis defaults were not saved/loaded from Application Settings dialog
    • Device specific settings for DAQ devices did not work if edited for existing window
    • Extract from-to windows created from a spectrum window did not allow harmonics cursor to be turned on
    • Extract from-to function extracted one sample less than parametrized
    • Some Workspace (SWS) files could not be opened by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer
    • Overlay windows did not consider the line type/width used for a display in a source window


New in v5.3.2 [download v5.3.2]

  • Fixed problems with opening IIR Filter dialog on some systems
  • Fixed some problems with EDF file compatibility

New in v5.3.1

  • Fixed problems with data acquisition if list of channels was used
  • Fixed problems with loading some WAV file formats with custom chunks
  • Improved performance for workspaces with many data acquisition channels

New in v5.3.0

  • Actual signal wall-clock time can now be used and displayed in addition to relative signal time
  • Improved buffering for data acquisition to reduce data loss under high load
  • Meta data for signal windows (axes settings, zoom, annotations etc.) are stored in a custom chunk of the WAV file and reused if file is loaded
  • Exponential window added as a default window for FRF calculation
  • Easier installation for non-admin users (admin can install SIGVIEW for other users)
  • Last used folders are remembered to reduce folder search in open/save dialogs
  • "Close all"  menu option does not close Control Window anymore
  • Improved "Waiting on trigger..." info in DAQ window to display required trigger level and type
  • Added High-DPI settings in Application Settings dialog
  • Added custom tool for Cepstrum calculation
  • Fixed problem with Julia script editing if path contains blanks
  • Fixed problem with adding annotations from Julia scripts
  • Fixed problem with triggering level if multiple DAQ channels are used (DataTranslation/Sequoia DAQ)
  • Fixed crash with opening Workspaces where some DAQ channel windows were deleted
  • Fixed problem with multichannel data acquisition (>2ch). Number of updates for channels was 2x higher than it should be.
  • Fixed problem with some MCC boards and multichannel DAQ

New in v5.2.0

  • Exponential averaging option added to the Averager function
  • Direct calculation of FRF magnitude and FRF phase in Signal Calculator
  • "Reset all windows" function added to reset data of all opened windows (DAQ, Averager, Instruments,...)
  • Added Peak-To-Peak instrument
  • Simplified Master/Slave mode usage of the DT9837 DAQ
  • Enabled loading WAV files with size >2GB (up to 4GB)
  • Fixed problem with unit from Calibration file not displaying on Y-axis
  • Fixed problem with resetting DAQ window if "One block" acquisition length is used
  • Fixed problems with signal markers from Min/Max instruments

New in v5.1.0
  • New function to display instrument values over time in one step
  • Support for Data Translation DT9837 DAQ
  • Lines-only 3D graphics (for example "Track changes..." tools) now use color palettes as well
  • "Log instrument values" signal now displays alarm range of the source instrument as a red overlay
  • In "Zoom to X samples/values" dialog, a zoom length in signal units can be defined
  • Improved drawing performance for 3D graphics
  • Improved default settings for Time-FFT and Spectrogram calculation
  • Improved High-DPI display behavior
  • Fixed problem with reusing tools including resampling function
  • Fixed: Status-bar disappeared if application color scheme was changed
  • CSV/ASCII exports now contains all available digits (was limited to 6)
  • Fixed off-by-one sample error with "Zoom to X samples/values" function
  • Fixed problem with instrument alarm sound and fast updates
  • Fixed various problems with 3D graphics axes properties

New in v5.0.0
  • Support for embedded Julia Language Scripting (PRO)
  • New function to create and use standard IIR filters (Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev)
  • Redesigned Control Window icons
  • Various bugfixes and small improvements
  • Fixed problem with logging Peak Count instrument values
  • Fixed problems with opening SWS files by double-clicking
  • Fixed problem with using mousewheel for scrolling in Control Windows
  • Fixed problems with flickering cursor
  • Fixed problem with loading current statistics state of instruments from a workspace
  • Fixed problem with loading workspace with double-clicking a file
  • Fixed problems with resetting DAQ windows


New in v4.3.0 [download v4.3.0]
  • New function to display instrument value as a level marker in signal
  • Added new instruments for Median value and n-Quantile value
  • Mouse rectangle selection in Control Window
  • "Delete selected windows" function in Control Window
  • New menu option "Track changes in spectrogram view"
  • "Change value" function for const instruments
  • Improved signal drawing speed
  • Improved Spectrogram view drawing speed
  • Added tooltip with a tool name for custom tool buttons in a toolbar
  • Fixed some issues with Spectrogram X-axis if tracking function is used
  • Fixed problem with switching between move and copy in Control Window
  • Fixed wrong FFT length for calculating segmented FFT
  • Fixed LabJack T4/T7 range settings problem with +/-0.1V range

New in v4.2.0
  • New instrument "RMS of a frequency range"
  • "Show value in dB" option for RMS instruments
  • Fixed a problem with wrong value of the last octave band for some sampling rates

New in v4.1.0
  • Synchronized cursor on the current time position in all related windows
  • Pasting CVS/ASCII data from clipboard to create a new signal window
  • New application settings dialog with many old and new settings
  • Color schemes: "White" or "Black" can be selected
  • Using non-default audio devices for playback
  • Added cursor measuring mode in the spectrogram
  • Many new keyboard shortcuts added
  • Syncing windows by using Control Window selection added
  • Improved automatic axes label settings in overlays and signal calculator windows
  • PSD amplitude is now independent of FFT zero-padding option

New in v4.0.0
  • Introduced two SIGVIEW editions: STANDARD and PRO
  • Order analysis functions (convert time signal to order signal and vice versa) [PRO Version]
  • Specify exact list of channels for data acquisition, instead of defining only a channel count (NI, UL and LabJack drivers only) [PRO Version]
  • Added support for LabJack T4/T7 data acquisition [PRO Version]
  • New 3D signal filter function for a free selection of filter time, frequency and amplitude properties and a combination of multiple filters on one signal [PRO Version]
  • Significantly improved the quality of a signal filter function and added some fine tuning options.
  • Added bandstop level setting in dB for all filters (in a filter creation dialog and in a dialog for fast filter properties changing)
  • New Signal Calculator dialog with a graphical window selection (similar as in Control Window)
  • Added direct calculation of dB(A), dB(C) and dB(Z) values
  • Automatic loading of column names from CSV file and using them as window titles
  • Increased number of harmonics rulers from 10 to 100
  • New function to synchronize signals with each other - each zoom or move in one of them will zoom or move all to the same position (default for signals loaded from one file)
  • Added color map/legend for all 3D-graphics
  • Optimized default settings for Time-FFT and Spectrogram to increase calculation speed
  • Moving zoomed 3D-graphics part with Shift + Arrow keys added
  • Changed colors and appearance for annotations/markers
  • Improved drag 'n drop usability in Control Window
  • Improved performance for shorter signal block sizes (20-30%)
  • Improved drawing speed for large 3D graphics
  • Various bug fixes


New in v3.2.0 [download v3.2.0]
  • All numeric input controls replaced with new widgets featuring spinbox, mouse-wheel support and integrated validation
  • Toolbar redesign, including new icons (for use with High-DPI resolution)
  • Improved interactive tuning for filter windows
  • Added many new FFT window types
  • Improved appearance and performance of all instrument windows
  • Added new toolbar buttons for "Play in loop" and "Play as fast as possible"
  • Default "Zero padding" FFT setting is now "Optimal", instead of "Next power-of-2"
  • "Check for updates" function added to perform online check for a new version
  • Fixed incorrect X-axis for octave plots

New in v3.1.0
  • Logarithmic Y-axis support
  • Logarithmic axis appearance generally improved
  • Support for additional NI-DAQ options (IEPE devices)
  • Support for time synchronous averaging
  • New DAQ triggering options for rising/falling edge triggering
  • New DAQ functions to allow for triggering between multiple DAQ windows
  • Improved acquisition length settings
  • Added starting/stopping data acquisition from Control Window
  • Added new Control Window  function to concatenate multiple signals
  • Improved 3D-graphic appearance
  • Improved appearance and selection of Segmented-FFT function
  • "Change window title" menu option added in context menus on all windows
  • Default file name for storing recordings now contains a recording date/time
  • Added new command-line option "-daqreset"

New in v3.0.0
  • First 64-bit version (>2GB RAM can be used, improved performance)
  • Trigonometric functions in the signal calculator
  • Saving all children of a window as a custom tool
  • Dynamic tooltips for the current cursor position in 2D and 3D graphics
  • Customizable Y-axis direction for spectrogram views
  • Fast spectrogram zooming with a mouse wheel
  • UI design changes
  • Better support for High-DPI displays
  • File dialogs resizable
  • General font size settings


New in v2.8.0 [last 32-bit version: download v2.8.0]
  • Editing properties of spectrogram and Time-FFT windows
  • Fast changes of Spectrogram time/frequency resolution by using mouse-wheel
  • Direct zoom operations on overlay windows added
  • Improved spectrogram display for better usage of available window size
  • Improved ASCII import
  • Added current signal selection info in status bar

New in v2.7.0
  • LabJack U3/U6 DAQ support implemented
  • Shock Response Spectrum function (SRS) added
  • Resetting and restarting DAQ window in-place added
  • New functions for editing/deleting signal annotations
  • Separate calibration for each acquisition channel added
  • New options and settings for Probability distribution/Histogram function
  • Various GUI and stability improvements

New in v2.6
  • Combining instruments with signals in the signal calculator
  • Creating new instruments by using the signal calculator
  • New constant value instrument type
  • Memory allocation and usage with 64-bit OS improved
  • Minor GUI and stability improvements

New in v2.5
  • Improved support for non-standard DPI-settings in Windows
  • Instrument values scaling/modifying with user-defined factors
  • "Save window as bitmap" function and a corresponding command-line switch added
  • New toolbar for faster access to custom tools
  • Minor GUI and stability improvements

New in v2.4
  • Extensive Drag 'n drop support in Control Window
  • Better visual selection and additional functions in Control Window
  • Audio player current position pointer added
  • Recently opened files/workspaces available from main menu
  • Copying all marker values to clipboard
  • Zero-crossing rate instrument
  • Improved options for loading ASCII files

New in v2.3
  • Octave and 1/3 Octave plots
  • Custom filter bank plots (for custom equalizers or custom octave plots)
  • Automatic tracking of min/max/avg values for each instrument
  • New options for NiDAQmx data acquisition
  • Improved Y-axis zooming with mouse wheel
  • Support for Non-Admin users under Windows 7 and Windows Vista
  • New instrument for more accurate maximum position estimation (using interpolation)
  • Removed value normalization before saving in 16-bit or 32-bit WAV files
  • Some bug fixes and optimizations

New in v2.2
  • Various command-line parameters to enable Sigview automation from other applications or batch files
  • Loading large WAV files that do not fit in memory, in smaller parts
  • New instruments: Variance, Skewness, Spectral Kurtosis
  • Loading signal files, workspaces and tools with drag 'n drop
  • Improved ASIO driver compatibility
  • Min-hold function
  • Axes font size changed

New in v2.1
  • New signal display options: histogram, area plot, dots, selectable line width
  • Fast Y-axis settings with mouse wheel
  • New color palettes for 3D-graphics with increased color count
  • Long-time instrument values logging in a file
  • Automatic settings for X-axis on instrument log on 3D-signal log
  • Using custom tools for batch processing in Control Window
  • Using workspace files as analysis templates
  • User manual as PDF file including new How-to chapters
  • Various bug fixes

New in v2.0
  • Support for multiple threads/cores
  • Support for 24-bit multichannel sound card acquisition (DirectSound support)
  • Support for professional ASIO sound card drivers
  • Custom filters curves for signal filtering or spectrum weighting
  • Improved triggering options for data acquisition (added pre-triggering and automatic trigger rearming options)
  • Sweep signal generator
  • Zooming in/out and moving through signal with a mouse wheel
  • Saving multichannel WAV or ASCII files
  • New instruments for SNR and THD calculation
  • "Play as fast as possible" option for fast data analysis without using sound card
  • Automatic peak detection function with a peak count instrument
  • Inverse FFT
  • Y-Axis settings on overlay windows
  • Auto-reset function for instrument logs
  • GoTo Sample navigation function
  • Improved signal display graphics
  • Improved Windows Vista and Windows 7 compatibility
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