Differences between STANDARD and PRO Versions
Feature | STANDARD | PRO |
Real time data display, signal analysis and control. You can work with the unlimited number of signals or analysis windows at the same time and observe results in real-time. | x | x |
No limitations in signal length, sampling rate or number of signals processed in parallel | x | x |
Import and export of signal files in numerous formats: WAV, MP3, ASCII, WMA, AU, AIFF, SND, 8/16/32-bit binary files, EDF... | x | x |
Optimized FFT algorithm with fine parameter tuning and various pre and postprocessing options: windowing, zero-padding, power spectrum and PSD, automatic averaging, test for spectral peaks integrity,... | x | x |
Dual channel (cross-spectral) analysis (cross spectrum, coherence, cross correlation,...) | x | x |
Spectrogram and Time-FFT functions with powerful graphical display solutions | x | x |
Advanced signal display and handling options: unlimited overlays, unlimited number of markers and annotations for each signal, parallel signal display (EEG style), cut/copy/paste signal parts, unlimited zoom levels, audio playback,... | x | x |
Signal filtering (FFT and IIR filters, Bandstop, Bandpass, Lowpass, Highpass) | x | x |
Real-time arithmetics on signals (subtract, multiply, add, scale, normalize...) | x | x |
Various statistics functions: peak hold, averaging, smoothing, removing linear trend, probability distribution... | x | x |
Signal generator including sine, white and pink noise, step, sweep,... | x | x |
Various command-line options for automation and remote control from external applications or from simple batch files | x | x |
Data acquisition from Microsoft Windows® compatible sound cards (DirectSound and MME drivers are supported) | x | x |
Data acquisition from professional DAQ devices:
| x | |
Julia Language embedded scripting to add new analysis functions or input/output formats | x | |
Shock-Response-Spectrum function (SRS) | x | |
3D signal filter for a free selection of filter time, frequency and amplitude properties and a combination of multiple filters on one signal | x | |
Order Analysis functions (forward and inverse transformations) | x | |
Premium Support | (optional, can be purchased separately) | x (1 hour per order) |
Perpetual License - no time expiration. All minor updates free of charge. At least one year of major updates free of charge. | x | x |