This chapter lists all command-line actions and parameters you can use with SIGVIEW, as well as some general rules for using them.
1. General rules valid for all command-line actions:
• You should always use the SIGVIEW_EXE environment variable instead of the actual SIGVIEW executable file name, for example: %SIGVIEW_EXE% -loadsws c:\myworkspace.sws.This will make it easier to reuse your scripts on another computer or if your SIGVIEW installation changes. This environment variable will be automatically defined during SIGVIEW installation
• For all references to a <windowname>, you have to use the window's name as visible in its title bar. Usually, you will use the "Edit/Change window title" menu option to give a simple name to a window before saving a Workspace or a Tool file
• Any command parameter which includes spaces, for example "my window" or c:\Program files\myfile.wav" has to be enclosed in quotes (general rule for Windows command line calls)
• All file paths are full paths, including directory and file name, for example "c:\my dir\my file.txt"
• You should use only one command in each call. To execute multiple commands, use multiple SIGVIEW calls (multiple lines in the batch file)
2. Full list of command-line actions and options:
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -loadsws <sws_file_name> [<signalfilename> ...]
Loads the workspace file in SIGVIEW. If the workspace has been saved without absolute file names in it, you can define those as additional parameters (full file names) in order of their appearance in workspace file. See Loading and saving workspaces for more information.
Hides SIGVIEW window.
Shows SIGVIEW window again if it was hidden with the hide command.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -closeall
Closes all open windows.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -daqstart <windowname>
Starts data acquisition of a window with the specified name. Of course, the window must be a data acquisition window. The effect will be the same as if selecting the "Data acquisition/Start data acquisition" main-menu option. If you would like to start multichannel data acquisition, it is enough to call this command for the first channel.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -daqstop <windowname>
Stops data acquisition of a window with the specified name. Of course, the window must be a data acquisition window. The effect will be the same as if selecting the "Data acquisition/Start data acquisition" main-menu option. If you would like to stop multichannel data acquisition, it is enough to call this command for the first channel.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -daqreset <windowname>
Resets data acquisition in a window with the specified name. Of course, the window must be a data acquisition window. Data acquisition must be stopped before resetting.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -reset <windowname>
Resets the specified window. For data acquisition windows, it has the same effect as using "daqreset" option. "Averager" or "Instrument log" windows will reset their values. Instrument windows will reset their statistics. See Resetting all windows for details.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -resetall
Resets all windows. See Resetting all windows for details.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -playnotone <windowname>
Plays signal in a specified window without tone output. The effect will be the same as if selecting the "Play&Navigate/Play (no sound)" main-menu option.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -playwithtone <windowname>
Plays signal in a specified window with tone output. The effect will be the same as if selecting the "Play&Navigate/Play signal (with sound)" main-menu option.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -playstop <windowname>
Stops playing signal in a specified window started with -playnotone or -playwithtone options. The effect will be the same as if selecting the "Play&Navigate/Stop playing" main-menu option.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -zoomout <windowname>
Zoom-out signal in a specified window so that the whole signal is visible. This should always be used before storing signal in a file if you would like to save the whole signal. Otherwise, only a visible signal part will be stored.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -zoomin <windowname> <length_in_samples> [<offsett_in_signal_units>]
Zoom-in signal in a specified window to the specified length (in samples), starting from some offset (in signal units, for example seconds). If offset is omitted, signal beginning will be used. For example, %SIGVIEW_EXE% win1 256 0.6 will zoom-in signal in window "win1" to 256 samples, starting from 0.6s.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -savewav16 <windowname> [<windowname>...] <full_file_name>
Saves the visible part of the signal in a specified window to a 16-bit WAV file. If you would like to save the whole signal in a file, first perform the -zoomout command (see above). For example, "%SIGVIEW_EXE% -savewav16 sig_win_1 c:\MyFiles\test.wav". If multiple window names are parametrized, their values will be saved into one output WAV file as channels (provided they all have the same length and sampling rate).
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -savewav32 <windowname> [<windowname>...]
Saves the visible part of the signal in a specified window to a 32-bit WAV file (32-bit float format). If you would like to save the whole signal in a file, first perform the zoom-out command (see above). For example, "%SIGVIEW_EXE% -savewav32 sig_win_1 c:\MyFiles\test.wav". If multiple window names are parametrized, their values will be saved into one output WAV file as channels (provided they all have the same length and sampling rate).
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -saveascii <windowname> [<windowname>...]
Saves the visible part of the signal in a specified window to ASCII/CSV file format. The ASCII file will contain two columns: one with X values and one with Y values from the signals. If you would like to save the whole signal in a file, first perform the -zoomout command (see above). For example, "%SIGVIEW_EXE% -saveascii sig_win_1 c:\MyFiles\test.wav". If multiple window names are parametrized, their values will be saved into one output ASCII file as channels (provided they all have the same length and sampling rate).
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -save3dasciixyz <windowname> <file_name>
Saves 3D graphics or spectrogram window values into the ASCII file as value triples X, Y, Z
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -save3dasciimatrix <windowname> <file_name>
Saves 3D graphics or spectrogram window values in an ASCII file as a matrix where the first row contains X values, first column Y values and the rest of the file are Z values (tab delimited)
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -savebitmap <windowname> <bitmap_filename>
Saves graphical content of the <windowname> window as a BITMAP file (*.bmp). This will only work if the main SIGVIEW window is currently visible.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -savebitmap <bitmap_filename>
Saves graphical content of the whole main SIGVIEW window as a BITMAP file (*.bmp).
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -getvalue <windowname>
Gets current value from an instrument window with a specified window name. Instrument value will be converted in text format, for example "4.325" and forwarded to the standard output. You can use standard batch file syntax to forward that value to a file or to another application. For example, "%SIGVIEW_EXE% -getvalue instr_max >> myinstrlog.txt" or "%SIGVIEW_EXE% -getvalue instr_max | myinstrprocessor.exe".
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -playinloop <windowname> on|off
Turns the "Play in loop" play option "on" or "off" for certain window. If used without a window name, it turns the global application settings on or off.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -playfast on|off
Turns the "Play as fast as possible" play option "on" or "off" for certain window. If used without a window name, it turns the global application settings on or off.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -autovolume on|off
Turns the "Adjust volume automatically" play option "on" or "off". If used without a window name, it turns the global application settings on or off.
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -recstart <windowname>
Starts recording in a "Log to file" window
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -recstop <windowname>
Stops recording in a "Log to file" window
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -closeapp
%SIGVIEW_EXE% -waitms <number_of_ms_to_wait>
Waits a specified number of milliseconds and returns. It is useful as a pause command if your programming language does not support it directly, for example, when using batch files. Please note that the time resolution of this command is very coarse and you should expect jitter of up to 100ms.
Shows list of supported commands in a message box.
For further information about using these commands, see the Examples section.