By using the “Load Workspace...” and “Save workspace...” options in the File menu, you can save all currently opened SIGVIEW windows and their relations (a "Workspace") in a file and reload it later.


SIGVIEW does not save the actual content of each signal or analysis result it saves only a structure of your analysis system and file names for loaded files. For example, if you load a signal, perform an FFT on it and save that workspace, SIGVIEW will not save the actual values from the signal or values from the FFT result. Only the name of the signal file will be saved, along with the information that you performed FFT on, with certain parameters. Therefore, if you change the data in the original signal file and reload the SIGVIEW workspace, you will get changed signal data and the FFT from it. Generally, a workspace file contains the information you can normally see in a Control Window, plus properties for each window, including axes properties and zoom info.


SIGVIEW saves its workspace in a file with the extension SWS (SIGVIEW Workspace). This file is a plain text file with a structure similar to Windows *.INI files. Its structure is quite simple and easy to understand or even to edit manually. You can open a SWS file with any text editor and perform some changes if required. You can even edit its content from another application automatically to control SIGVIEW functionality.

For all loaded signals, SIGVIEW saves their full path names in a workspace file. When opening that workspace file later, SIGVIEW searches for those files in their original location first (for example c:\temp\mysignal.wav). If the file does not exist in that location, SIGVIEW tries to load the file with the same name from the folder where the SWS file is. Therefore, if you want to distribute workspace files with all the signals needed, you just have to be sure that the SWS and signal files are in the same folder on the target computer.

Information about window location and size will also be saved for every window. This information is relative to the size of the main SIGVIEW window, so you can be quite sure that the loaded workspace will look the same in every screen resolution or SIGVIEW window size.

It is also possible to create a workspace file without defining exact signal file names in it. When opening such a workspace file, SIGVIEW will ask you for a file name for each signal file used in this workspace. To create such a workspace file, just save it once normally with file names, then open the SWS file with any text editor program and replace all file names in it (all FileName=.... keys) with “FileName=choose”.

You also use drag 'n drop to drag one or more Workspace files from Windows Explorer and drop them into the SIGVIEW window. The effect will be the same as if loading these files by using the "Load Workspace..." menu option.

Using a Workspace file as a command line argument

For general information about using command-line functionality, see this chapter.

It is possible to use an SWS file as a command line argument when starting SIGVIEW, for example:

%SIGVIEW_EXE% c:\myworkspace.sws

SIGVIEW will start and open this workspace. It is also possible to define all needed signal file names in the command line as well. In order to do that, you should first save your SWS file with some file names you used to create and test the workspace. Then, open the SWS file with a text-editor and replace these file names in lines starting with "FileName=" with placeholders of the form “#X”, where X=1,2,3...,.

For example, you would replace the line:




Then, you can start SIGVIEW with:

%SIGVIEW_EXE% c:\Analysis1.sws c:\file1.wav c:\file2.wav

Every appearance of “#1” in the Analysis1.sws will be replaced with “c:\file1.wav”, every appearance of “#2” with “c:\file2.wav”, and so on.... Your Workspace will open and load the files specified in the command line.

Saving file names in a Workspace

If you are saving a Workspace (SWS file) containing windows with file-based signals (for example, loaded WAV files), SIGVIEW will offer you two options:

  1. Save full file names in a file: Each time you load the workspace, your files (if they still exist) will be automatically loaded. The result will be exactly the same as the workspace you saved if those signal files did not change in the interim.
  2. Do not save file name information in a file: A saved workspace will be used as a template for operations on any files. Each time you try to load the workspace, SIGVIEW will offer you a file load dialog to choose a file which should be loaded for each window from the workspace which contained the file-based signal. This can be used to speed up the analysis you often have to perform on different files, similar to Custom tools.


Several example workspace files are installed in the “Examples” subdirectory of SIGVIEW's application data directory (usually C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\Sigview\) and can be accessed directly through the “Help/Examples... ” option in the main menu.