What is SIGVIEW?
SIGVIEW is a real-time signal analysis application with a wide range of spectral analysis tools, statistical functions, and comprehensive graphical solutions for 2D and 3D graphics. SIGVIEW can be used to analyze offline or live signals, freely combine various analysis tools and concentrate on your analysis instead of program usage.
A 14-days evaluation version can be downloaded from https://www.sigview.com and for continued use thereafter, a SIGVIEW license must be purchased.
There are two SIGVIEW editions, STANDARD and PRO. The PRO version includes support for professional DAQ devices and some sophisticated analysis functions such as 3D signal filtering, Order analysis and Shock Response Spectrum.
To begin working with SIGVIEW, we would recommend starting with the following chapters from this Help manual:
• Moving through signal and zooming
Also, a good start would be to take a look at some of our screencasts on SIGVIEW channel on YouTube: