Several custom tools are included to demonstrate how different FFT calculations can be created and saved as custom tools.

FFT with averaging

This tools calculates FFT Magnitude with averaging option turned on, splitting signal in 10 segments with 25% overlap, calculating FFT, and averaging the results

Welch's periodogram

Basically the same as FFT with averaging, except Power Spectrum Density is calculated instead of Magnitude

FFT normalized and smoothed

This tools calculates FFT with some options turned on: removing linear trend and peaks from the input signal and smoothing FFT result with a 15 samples long moving average. filter, removing peaks outside

FFT smoothed

Similar as the previous one, but without operations on the input signal.

FFT with 3D and max marker

This tools calculates FFT by using default settings and creates two more windows: one instrument window displaying a dominant frequency from the FFT, and a second one for tracking all calculated FFTs in a 3D graphic.

FFT with max marker and max tracking

This tools calculates FFT by using default settings and creates two more windows: one instrument window displaying a dominant frequency from the FFT, and a second one tracking all max. frequency values in a signal.

FFT with max marker

Similar as a previous tool, but without tracking max. frequency values.