Palettes and Colors
3D graphics can use different colors to show different f(X,Y) values of a represented function. One 3D graphics can use only one color set at a time, called a palette. The palette in SIGVIEW has 128 colors.
You can select the palette used by one 3D-graphics from its context menu or from the main menu, "3D tools/Palette" option.
Currently available palettes are:
• gray
• blue
• pink
• hot
• white
• jet
• rainbow
• winter
• autumn
• spring
• summer
• cool
Some palettes are better suited for linear scaling and some are better suited for log scales. The best way to see how a palette looks like is to try it on an example 3D graphic.
Palettes definitions are stored in simple text files with a *.pal extension (hot.pal, blue.pal, etc.) in the installation folder. Each file has 128 rows with 3 numeric values defining each of 128 colors as intensities of red, green and blue (RGB). You can freely change values in these files to define your own palettes, provided that they keep the same structure and the same number of rows.