Time Synchronous Averaging
By using data acquisition triggering options, you can also perform a time synchronous averaging. For more information about this type of averaging, please see one of these links:
1. First of all, we have to set appropriate trigger settings in the data acquisition dialog:
The following settings are important:
• Block length has to be set to "one block"
• Block length must match the recording length of one event you would like to record (4096 samples in the example)
• Triggering has to be turned on: In the example, we will trigger if the amplitude in channel 2 is above 50% of the input range, only on rising edge
• In the example, we start recording 50 samples before the trigger event
• "Re-Arm after each recording" and "Reuse the original window after Re-Arming" options must be turned on
• Re-Arm count is set to 100, i.e. we would like to create an average from 101 recorded events.
2. Press OK in the data acquisition dialog and a 2 signal window will open (for two channels).
3. Create a "Signal averager" window attached to the first channel.
4. Press the "Rec" button on the toolbar to start data acquisition, i.e. waiting for a trigger. Since there is still no signal, nothing will happen immediately. In the background, SIGVIEW is acquiring your signal and testing if the trigger has occurred.
5. Each time a trigger has been detected, one block of data will be recorded and averaged through the signal averager window.
6. After 100 blocks, the recording will be finished and averager window will contain the resulting signal.